Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I was recently tagged by the beautiful Demi-Lee to complete these questions for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and I thought it would be fun and also a great way for us bloggers to connect! Thank you Demi-Lee for nominating me and you can visit her blog by clicking here
The rules are as followed:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Include the award logo in your post.
  • Answer the set of 10 questions that they provide.
  • Supply your own set of 10 questions.
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers.

Demi-Lee's questions for me:

1. What inspired you to come up with the name for your blog?
HumbleBeauty is the name of my blog and I believe that humility is a beautiful thing....
A lot of people may think that humility is weakness, but humility is strength and takes courage.  The name HumbleBeauty literally just popped into my head out of nowhere one day and its stuck with me ever since.

2. If you could choose between living in black and white or color, what would you choose? And why?
I would have to choose color because color always brightens up my day!  I love to color block my outfits and during the Spring and Summer, I love bright colors for my outfits and lipsticks as well....Black and white just wouldn't do it for me!

3. What is your favorite Autumn lipstick?
I am currently loving Black Cherry by Milani.  It is a lovely dark color that is perfect for Fall.
Black Cherry has been my favorite color this season.

4. Do you wish to turn blogging into a career or keep it as a hobby?
I would LOVE to turn blogging into a career!  I love coming up with new blogging ideas and creating fun posts...It would be a dream come true to be able to have a career that I absolutely love!

5. If you could choose between fast forwarding time or rewinding time, what would you choose? And why?
That's a hard one...but I would say rewind time only because I have lost some loved ones and I would give anything to go back in time and spend just one more day with them.....

6. If you could swap lives with any celebrity for the day, who would you swap lives with?
Beyoncé!  I choose Beyoncé because not only do I love her music, but I love her style and the fact that she is a career woman, wife and mother all at the same time.  I know she travels the world every day and I would love to see how that lifestyle feels!

7. If you were given three wishes, what would they be?
*To have healing hands that heal disease, sickness, cancer, etc.
*To be a full time successful blogger
*To travel the world

8. Which season of the year is your favorite? And why?
I love Spring!  Spring is my favorite season because my birthday is in May, but I especially love the nice weather.  The sun is out, but its not too hot and I love the flowers during the Spring...

9. If you had to choose a story that best describes your life, what story would it be?
To be honest, there is not a story that's already been written that best describes my life.  I would have to write my own story to best describe my life.  There's just too much to say and the story of my life is still being written.....

10. What social media site do you use the most? 

My questions for you:

1.  Which decade is your most favorite and why?
2.  Name a beauty product that you cannot go a day without.
3.  How do you like to spend your weekends?
4.  If you could meet anyone in the world who would you meet and why?
5.  What are some of your favorite topics to blog about?
6.  What would be your dream job and why?
7.  What are you currently reading?
8.  Which do you prefer ~ a dark lip or a bold eye?
9.  What is one thing you want your readers to know about you?
10.  What has been your biggest accomplishment in life?

I nominate:

Bumascloset ~ @Bumascloset
Stylzbykattz ~ @kattzcatts
Rossye ~ @rossyepetrova
Ines Costa ~ @Nezzy3791
Jessica ThePyreflies ~ @thepyreflies
Chantel Keona ~ @K3ona
Love, Iris Blog ~ @IrisisRadtastic
Shay ~ @CurvesandLashes
CaledonianKitty ~ @CaledonianKitty
Serene ~ @iamserenel

I hope you ladies keep this fun tag going and thanks again Demi-Lee for nominating me!!
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

Twitter @humblebeauty29
Instagram @humblebeauty29


  1. Enjoyed reading your post! thank you for tagging :)

  2. Great post lovely, it's always fun finding out new facts about fellow bloggers! :D

    I have a new post up today, and I would love to know your thoughts:



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