
Monday, June 16, 2014

10 Tips to Reduce Stress During Your Day

~~Whether you are a full time student, business woman, or an on the go mom, our days can be quite overwhelming.  Stress is the leading cause of sickness, premature aging, and death in our country.  Check out these tips that may help to reduce stress during your day!~~

1.  Start your morning by stretching & taking long deep breaths.  Stretching will wake up your muscles and get the blood flowing after a good night's sleep.

2.  Drink a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning.  This will balance the PH levels in your body and aid your digestive system.

3.  Eat a healthy breakfast as they say "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."
~ Oatmeal, fruit, cereal, orange juice, etc......

4.  Say out loud ~ "Today will be a great day!"  Words are powerful and the more you say a thing, the more you believe it, and the more you believe it, the more it becomes a reality.

5.  Dress to impress!  When you look good, you feel good.  Walk out and face the world looking like a million dollars.  You are worth it!

6.  Smile!!!!!! A smile not only warms the heart, but a smile warms the room.  When you give off positive energy, you will also reciprocate just that.

7.  If you feel overwhelmed at work or at anytime during the day, get up and take a walk.  There's nothing wrong with taking a quick break just to clear your mind or get some fresh air if you work indoors.  Return back to your job/task with a fresh mind.

8.  Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat healthy snacks to curb your hunger.  Its important to stay hydrated and we all know that we are not the most pleasant or productive people when we are hungry.  Always try to eat lunch, but if you can't, keep snacks readily available.
~ Carrots, celery with almond butter, apple slices, almonds, etc....

9.  Do something relaxing that you love to do after work.  Have some "me" time. 
~ Take a walk, bubble bath, light candles, read, write, etc...

10.  Get your beauty sleep!  Get to bed at a decent hour.  Your body needs rest and you don't need those under eye circles or under eye bags in your life!  Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and wake up to do it all over again tomorrow!!

 Please leave your comments, I would love to hear from you and don't forget to click on the Google Follow button!  :-)
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

**All pictures credited to Google Images**

Twitter @humblebeauty29
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