
Friday, August 29, 2014

Can You Recognize Real Beauty? Featuring Fallon Jai

Happy Friday beautiful people! 
I know you are ready to get your weekend started, and a long weekend it is for most of us with Labor Day coming up!!!
I am SO excited to bring to you a special blog post today, featuring the beautiful Fallon Jai, who happens to be a fellow fashion/beauty blogger, focusing on inner beauty and uplifting other women.  I absolutely love Fallon Jai's website and the spiritual message she brings to women ~ and I am so very delighted to have her featured on my blog today!!  Please check out her blog when you get the chance:
The below article by Fallon Jai is really touching and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.... 

Can You Recognize Real Beauty?
By: Fallon Jai
Its 10:30 on a Friday morning and your alarm clock is singing and dancing demanding your
consciousness. You jump out of bed and rush to your bathroom and pounce on the scale. Once
you look at your current weight, your hope fades and your confidence evaporates. It’s been two
months and you’ve been working out for an hour five times a week and all you’ve been eating is
fruit, vegetables and drinking water. And despite all of your efforts, you’ve only lost 8 pounds
and you thought you would have at least lost 20 pounds by now. “I’ll never look like this,” you
say, staring at a picture of BeyoncĂ©. You continue to visually dissect yourself in the mirror. “If I
just had Halle’s skin color, BeyoncĂ©’s curves, Nicki’s butt and Rihanna’s eyes I’d be perfect.”
In today’s society females are taught that we are never good enough. Television commercials,
magazine ads, social media and everyday conversations are always telling us what we need to
change and who we should aspire to emulate. When in reality the women we want to look like
don’t naturally look the way they are portrayed. They are mostly products of hair extensions,
fake eye lashes, tons of makeup, plastic surgery and eating disorders. We spend obscene
amounts of money and time trying to be beautiful when we are already stunning beings.
We fail to realize that what really makes us unattractive is the fact that we don’t see our TRUE
BEAUTY—our spiritual beauty. Our spiritual beauty cannot be damaged by a scar, age or lack
of makeup. It can only fade when we forget to acknowledge its awesomeness. It’s important for
us to see ourselves in God’s eyes—through spiritual eyes. No matter how flawless our skin, hair
or body is, if our character is ugly, it will seep through and cause us to look hideous. If we put as
much energy into our spirits as we do our physical selves, we will all be dimes. So the next time
you look in the mirror make sure you see your real beauty—SPIRITUAL BEAUTY.
“Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.”
Fallon Jai is the creator of, the perspective of a fun, fiery
Christian fashionista. Her goal is to entertain, enlighten and empower teen girls and women to be
the best version of themselves.
Twitter: @FallonJai

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

OOTD ~ you are beautiful.......

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I put on was confidence.....
Today, I wanted to send a special message to you all stressing the importance of inner beauty.  There is nothing more important than loving yourself and being confident in who you are as a person.  Being comfortable in your own skin, as they call it....

Each day I am learning how to become more confident, stress-free, and to love the person I call me.  For so long I struggled with low self-esteem, no self-confidence and I really did not know who I was as a person.  Each day I am on a spiritual journey to becoming a new me.  A better me.  A more confident and a more beautiful me.

On this journey I have learned to love and appreciate others and the many things God has blessed me with in my life.  To complain, worry or stress about the little things in life doesn't solve anything and only leads to a downward-spiral end.  I choose to be happy and to be appreciative of the things that matter like love, happiness, family, life and God. 
 I am also learning to love every part of myself my perfections and imperfections ~ flaws and all.
The hair may be a little unruly at times, but that is OK.  I embrace every curl, curve, freckle and mole.  I am ME and that is OK....


I have been on this journey for a while now and I believe that I will continue to learn as I go through life...This is not an overnight thing, these are life lessons that I am embarking on and I am loving every minute of it!  I truly believe that if a person feels good on the inside, it will show outwardly.

So no matter what the circumstance or situation, always know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!  Beauty lies within.  Your strength, your power, your energy.  Beauty is the true essence of who you are.  Not where you come from, how much money you have, or how you may appear to look on the outside.  Anyone can cover up with make-up or concealer.  But you cannot conceal your spirit or your heart.  You cannot conceal the real you.....

Becoming a better person and learning to love yourself is key.  You will become more confident in the person you really are and life will become bliss because you will soon realize that YOU are special and YOU matter...YOU are unique and YOU have something to offer that no one else has.  You will soon realize how remarkably beautiful you are on the inside and that true beauty will shine bright and light up the world. 
Because you are beautiful.....



Peplum Top:  Charlotte Russe
Jeans:  Wet Seal
Shoes:  Off Broadway Shoes

Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

Twitter @humblebeauty29
Instagram @humblebeauty29

Monday, August 25, 2014

Ahhh! I Love My New Shoes!

Hello my friends!!!
I hope your week is going great so far....This is the first week of school here and my son is in the 7th grade now!  I can't believe it and time sure does fly!  It's been busy around here trying to get back in the swing of things with the school schedule, but we are managing as always. 
I purchased these nice black and nude heels the other day from Off Broadway Shoes and I absolutely love them!
I can't wait to rock these lovely ones!!

These heels are comfortable and stylish and I absolutely love them.  I can wear them with a little black dress or a nice skirt.  They were around $60 with tax included.
Tell me what you think......
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

Twitter @humblebeauty29
Instagram @humblebeauty29

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Such a Relaxing Day at Massage Envy......

 ~~ Hello All ~~
Oh what a lovely Sunday I had at Massage Envy today....
I went for a much needed 2-hour massage that made me feel like I was in Heaven. 
I have been a member of Massage Envy for over a year now and I absolutely love it.  I am able to get either a 1-hour massage or 2-hour massage for $59.99 per month.  I can also get a facial if I choose.  I went for a massage because I was feeling a little overwhelmed with so much going on at work and juggling things around the house.  Whenever I get a massage, it relaxes my body and puts my mind at ease.  I really needed it and I am glad I took time out for myself.

The Massage Envy facility here where I live is really nice and relaxing.  I love the staff and they are all very nice and customer friendly.  I have never had a bad experience here at Massage Envy and I would recommend Massage Envy to anyone wanting or in desperate need of a massage. 
If you have never had a professional massage, you are missing out!  It's always nice to take some time to yourself and relax, especially when you are busy and always on the go! 
Stress is NOT cute guys and can be a killer!  If you feel yourself getting over worked or overwhelmed, please take a step back and take time to re-group, re-focus, and most importantly, relax!  You would be amazed at how much younger, fresher and rejuvenated you will look and feel after taking some time to yourself....... 
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

**All Pictures credited to Google Images**

Twitter @humblebeauty29
Instagram @humblebeauty29

86 Years & Fabulous!!!


Saturday we had the joy of celebrating my grandmother's 86th birthday and what a special occasion it was!  We are so blessed to still have her around and she continues to light up our lives each and every day!


I must say that I get my love for fashion and style from both my mother and grandmother.  I remember when I was a little girl, every Saturday my mom and my grandmother and I would load up and head to the mall for an entire day of nothing but shopping!  I didn't understand what was going on back then, but now I realize that my mother and grandmother both share the same passion as I do when it comes to fashion, style and beauty.  And even today at age 86, my grandmother will not leave the house without her makeup, jewelry, and a stylish outfit to match! LOL




We had a blast celebrating this special day and I look forward to many more celebrations with my grandmother, Lord Willing.




Have a great week beautiful people and continue to check back with me each day as I will be posting new blog posts all week.
Until next time....Stay Beautiful & Keep it Humble!

Twitter @humblebeauty29
Instagram @humblebeauty29